3 Proven Ways To Get Your Health Goals Back On Track

Written by: Kat Gal

Remember New Year’s Eve? Yup, that night that you were so excited to make new goals: to eat healthy, to exercise and to transform your life. But what happened since?

You’ve slipped a little or perhaps you completely got off track…

Don’t worry, it happens. Even if you’ve told yourself a million times that you will start over (on Monday, is that right?) and you’ve found an excuse to sabotage yourself every time, you can get back on track today. Yes, right now, you don’t have to wait until tomorrow or next Monday.

Don’t let what you didn’t do yesterday (or the day/week/month/year) before dictate what you are capable of doing today, tomorrow and for the rest of your life.

Here are 3 proven tips to help you get back on track and take charge of your health, happiness and well-being:

1. Identify your most urgent and most important goal. You probably have many goals, but find the one that seems to be the most important. Reduce inflammation? Have more energy? Lose weight? Sleep better? Better focus at work or school? Finishing a marathon?

Write it down in your journal and then add your ‘why.’ “My most urgent/important goal is ______. The reason I want to achieve this is ______.” Write this on a piece of paper and stick it on your bathroom mirror, fridge, or where you will see it every day as a reminder.

2. Find some inspiration. Find an inspiring book, audiobook or website to read or listen to daily. You don’t even have to buy anything new. I bet your bookshelf and audiobook collection is full already. If not, reading our website is a fantastic and free source of inspiration for motivation and actionable tips and the internet is full of free videos, audios and articles too.

Listening to or reading inspiring words can help get you excited and back on track. Articles and books with practical tips can provide you actionable steps to achieve what you want.

3. Take immediate action. Right now! Don’t wait. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Small, but consistent steps go a long way and create big transformation. Putting off action when you are inspired can become dangerous as it lets you lose momentum and can push you into a funk. Don’t let an inspiring moment pass - do it now.

If your most important goal has to do with your health, happiness and well-being (and I bet it is if you are reading our site!), we have good news for you. Our line of products can help you get back on track right now.

Our Organifi Green Juice is abundant in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and goodies for fighting inflammation, promoting health and giving you energy through a large array of superfoods and supergreens. It’s an excellent way to start your day or to find a pick-me-up at any time you may need it. Try it, you won’t regret it.

Also don’t forget to take our Biotic Balance Probiotics every morning for gut health and our Daily Turmeric Supplement to fight inflammation and infections.

If you are looking for more energy, extra protein, something sweet, yet healthy and satisfying, then reach for our Complete Protein Powder to use it in your shakes, smoothies and even baked goods.

Which one of these products will you pick to kick-start your health journey today?

No juicer? No problem! Organifi Green Juice is a carefully selected blend of 11 different superfoods including turmeric, spirulina, lemon, mint, moringa and more. It was formulated for busy women and men who are looking for a way to super boost their health and support their lifestyle without spending a lot of time or money in the kitchen. Try it today!

About The Author

Kat Gal is the creator of Long Distance Relationship Help (http://longdistancerelationshiphelp.com/), a site which offers tips, tools, inspiration and resources to create a successful and happy relationships, no matter where in the world you may be. She knows from personal experience that love is possible despite the miles, you just have to navigate your way around it. She is passionate about the world and finds her creativity outlet as a writer and educator. You can follow her on her website and her Facebook page.

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