It's not enough to just want abs - you gotta dig DEEP and strengthen your core. Strong core and center of the body = strong stability and support for all working portions of the body. While six pack abs are nice, a strong core is also vital to everything else we do in our lives.
Try this at-home ab workout to strengthen your core, improve your abdominal muscles and increase your level of fitness!
At Home 7-Step Ab Routine
Review: please modify as necessary, be mindful of previous injury, or if you are expecting or have delivered, please consult your physician before doing abdominal exercises
To start: posture - when you sit, stand, drive, is your core working for you and supporting you - this is a core exercise we do more than we even realize.
#1 Plank
(mat recommended)
Purpose and form
Advanced: 1. Forearms to hands 2. One arm out one leg up 3. Knee to elbow (R, center, L) 4. Hip dips on forearms
Modification: knees down or on forearms
#2 Plank Walk Up
(mat recommended)
Purpose and form
Advanced: 1. Forearms to hands 2. One arm out one leg up 3. Knee to elbow (R, center, L) 4. Hip dips on forearms
Modification: knees down or on forearms
#3 Bird Dog and Pull in
(mat needed)
#4 Side plank
Purpose and form: hand under shoulder
Advanced: 1. On one hand, thread the needle twist 2. Top Leg up in air
Modification: Forearm down, kickstand bottom leg by bending the knee behind body for balance
#5 Side Crunch
#6 Toe Tap Side Crunch
#7 Full Cobra
How do you feel about today's ab workout? Was it easy, or challenging? I recommend focusing on abs 2-3 days a week for best results.
Sheri Matthews Kimmel is a leading San Diego based Corporate Wellness Professional, consulting for startups to large, multi-location businesses, benefit brokerage firms. A USD graduate, Sheri has consulted with San Diego's healthiest companies, multi-location entities, and leverages her relationships with large lifestyle brands such as Fitbit and lululemon to collaborate on a grander scale. She is recognized community fitness leader or large group fitness and events, a decorated Boston Marathon qualifying runner, and a long time volunteer from organizations from Challenged Athletes Foundation, Boys & Girls Clubs, Rady's Children', USD, Girls on the Run.